Outdoor Exercise

Outdoor Exercise Equipment has become more and more popular in Ireland in the last decade. You no doubt will have passed an installation at some stage or had the chance to try it out for yourself. It provides a free alternative to the gym and allows people to workout outside in the fresh air. During summer and winter months they are a great alternative for people.
Gaeilge: ‘An bhfaigheann tú go leor aclaíocht rialta?’
English: ‘Do you get enough exercise?’
When selecting outdoor exercise equipment, you will think about the purpose; what you need it for and who will use it, capital cost & quality; how much can you afford to pay and lifetime costs, what will be the running costs every year and how long will it last for.

At Murphy Playgrounds we have a unique insight into all of these, and we will share that with you. At Murphy Playgrounds we carry out maintenance and repairs of all types of play equipment, travelling the breadth and width of the country every day. We are often called on to repair adult outdoor exercise equipment so we’re very familiar with all the different types of equipment installed around the country. Murphy Playgrounds are independent, so we have the luxury of only choosing products that we have tried and tested and that we believe offer the best overall value.
Gaeilge : ‘An bhfuil a fhios agat go gcuireann muid trealamh aclaíochta do pháistí ar fáil chomh maith?’
English: ‘Did you know we also supply kids exercise equipment?’
Outdoor Exercise Equipment is incredibly versatile, as it will suit a broad range of groups in a community! For instance,
- Active Retirement
- Athletics Club
- Runners and Walkers
- Adults looking for a free alternative to a gym
- GAA Clubs
- Kids Clubs
- After school care
Kids and Adults alike can use the equipment. Our kids’ range is specially designed for kids under the age of 11 and is suitable for use in schools.
Check out our Senior Citizens page for more ideas!!